The following are fixed-price consultations. I do not bill these by the hour or minute.

Antenatal home consultation (approx. 1.5 hours) $195*

In the comfort of your own home during the last trimester of pregnancy. We will work one-to-one together to help you be fully prepared for baby’s arrival and your breastfeeding journey. Includes demonstrations of feeding positions and antenatal expression, and explanations of what to expect for your first hours and days of feeding.

I take your medical and pregnancy history to tailor information for your specific situation and potential challenges, with plenty of time for questions and advice on what to expect, what you might need to prepare, and what breastfeeding / self-care items you might want to have ready.

Includes comprehensive written resources as you await the birth of your baby and during the early days after birth. Includes support during the last weeks of your pregnancy by messaging / email. 

Postnatal home consultation (approx. 1.5 - 2 hours) $295*

In the comfort of your own home, timed to assist with and assess a feed, and to discuss your specific situation and challenges, with plenty of time for questions and an opportunity to weigh your baby(/ies). I guide you through key latching and breastfeeding techniques, breast care and mastitis awareness, with written resources / recommendations, support and guidance appropriate to your situation and stage of your breastfeeding journey.

Includes developing a clear workable plan for you, including written resources / recommendations and one week of post-visit support by messaging / email to answer your questions and provide advice.

Additional follow-up postnatal visit or phone/video call (approx. 1 hour) $175*

An optional follow-up home visit, or phone/video call, after a Postnatal home consultation (above), within one month of the original consultation.

To cover any additional questions or ongoing items you’d like to discuss. If a home visit, this can include a baby weight check. May include relevant additional written support / advice, resources where appropriate, and a further week of remote support.

(For existing postnatal clients only - please contact me to arrange, not bookable online).

Antenatal / postnatal package $440*

Includes both the Antenatal home visit consultation and the Postnatal home visit consultation services, with all inclusions detailed above. The postnatal home visit at a time of your choosing, typically within a few days of getting home from hospital. This package also includes unbroken support from me between the antenatal and postnatal visits.


I’ll take care of your little one while you take a well-earned break.

Use this time for whatever you need – whether it’s attending appointments, running errands, or simply grabbing some undisturbed sleep or you-time.

Minimum 2-hour blocks @ $65/hour*

For Mum time, please contact me directly using the Contact form, so we can discuss your requirements.

Additional services

  • Phone / video ‘virtual’ consultations (including out-of-area / remote / interstate)

  • Extended phone / messaging / email support

Tailored packages available

(* All prices are subject to credit card surcharge added at cost, typically 1.9%)